Star wars flechette launcher
Star wars flechette launcher

Since it always has Cunning and Endurance at the minimum, it can only be equipped by certain character classes and companions. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, the shotgun is a secondary weapon which has variable characteristics like endurance, accuracy, and so forth. For soft targets (unarmored), this is very damaging to flesh, but useless for meat hunting. A shotgun variation not found in the game is "flechette launcher" which uses an explosive charge to throw a pattern of small aerodynamic darts in a cone from the smoothbore barrel. If multiple metal pellets or spheres are used in a loaded shell, it is suitable at shorter ranges for small game like fowl or rabbits.

star wars flechette launcher star wars flechette launcher

If a single pellet (sphere or sabot) is used, it is of a large caliber and suitable for medium to large game at short to medium ranges. Briefly, a shotgun is a shoulder-fired weapon with an unrifled (smoothbore) barrel and is intended to fire one large or multiple smaller pellets of metal. "Scattergun" is slang or informal terminology for a shotgun class of weapon.

Star wars flechette launcher